Milan’s vibrant home for Luxury and Cosmetics Packaging

The must-attend event for packaging professionals

Packaging Première & PCD Milan are two tradeshows co-located in a single event showcasing the best of packaging for the luxury and beauty sectors. Here, you will discover the latest innovations, new technologies, and future packaging trends in the heart of the Italian luxury and beauty market.

Tailored for your industry sector

Fashion & Accessories

Fine Food & Drinks

Perfume & Cosmetics

Not to be missed!

Conferences, initiatives, new projects, and much more that you cannot miss before and during Packaging Première & PCD Milan.



Discover the selection of the most innovative packaging of the year and meet their creators onsite.

Design Hub

Design Hub

Meet some of the top packaging design and branding agencies, in the new Design Hub.



Learn about the latest trends in luxury, packaging and beauty from top brands and experts.



Discover our commitment to make our event more sustainable

News and insights

News and insights

The lastest news about the event and the world of luxury packaging
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Art Gallery

Art Gallery

We celebrate the relation between art, design and packaging with our arte gallery

Featured content

Leading companies in the packaging sector and news from the event

Discover our Talks

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Packaging Première & PCD Milan

Packaging Première showcases a curated selection of the best high-end packaging manufacturers for the luxury, fashion, wine and spirits, gourmet food, jewelry, cosmetics, and perfumery sectors. Here, you can meet the perfect partners to create exclusive packaging that enhances the quality of your products and your brand.

PCD Milan is an exclusive space dedicated to primary packaging for cosmetics, perfumery, and personal care. Discover the latest innovations from packaging manufacturers for beauty: glass, plastic, tubes, caps, jars, sustainable packaging, and much more in a highly focused environment.

Meet our sponsors

Packaging Première and PCD Milan

How to attend the event?

The entrance is free and reserved for industry professionals. It is mandatory to register in advance by clicking below. You will receive a confirmation email with a barcode to present at the entrance to collect your badge.

Packaging Première & PCD Milan

A Milano, il mondo del packaging di lusso incontra il packaging per la bellezza in un unico evento

Uno spazio unico per condividere idee e ispirazioni, scoprire nuove tecnologie e materiali per il packaging e creare imballaggi che sorprenderanno e conquisteranno i consumatori e i rivenditori nell'anno a venire.