Augmented creativity

Our working tools will increasingly incorporate artificial intelligence, which is progressing at an astonishing speed. Here is what you need to know about the currently most popular tools, which are creating a great debate on how creative jobs will change and what the balance between humans and machines will be in the future.
Our working tools will increasingly incorporate artificial intelligence, which is progressing at an astonishing speed. Here is what you need to know about the currently most popular tools, which are creating a great debate on how creative jobs will change and what the balance between humans and machines will be in the future. By Lorenzo Capitani | On PRINTlovers 96 Artificial intelligence is progressing at an astonishing speed, and its use is spreading like wildfire: so it seems from the much talk that has been going on for some time now. It must be the great stir caused by the release of public betas of tools such as ChatGPT, used by students to do their homework and by news sites to write news, or of image generators such as Dall-E that have invaded the Internet and divided the world between enthusiasts and catastrophists who see in this technology the imminent invasion of machines. ‘The problem,’ writes Stefano Nasetti in his ‘The Dark Side of the Moon’, ‘is not the technology, but the use made of it. Everything entails risks; the important thing is to be aware of them and assess whether the price we pay (minus privacy) is adequate to what we receive in return.’ Let’s face it, our daily lives are already permeated by AI more than we realise, demonstrating how effective this technology is and how it supports our activities. But what is an Artificial Intelligence? ‘It is an automated system capable of making decisions and performing tasks without human intervention. AI systems use algorithms and data to make decisions and can learn from their experiences. This is done through machine learning, which involves using large data sets to train systems to recognise patterns, understand context and make decisions.’

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