Lumson obtained the 2022 Ecovadis Gold Medal

Sustainability challenge surpassed with flying colours by the Lumson Group. In fact, in August, the Group obtained the Gold sustainability rating from EcoVadis, a worldwide platform that evaluates environmental, social, and ethical performances of companies according to 21 criteria grouped into 4 macro-areas: Environment, Labor & Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement.
Among the different sectors reviewed, beauty stands out as one of the most sensitive to this issue with 4085 companies analysed. In recent years, pressure to manage sustainability has intensified on a global scale in the industry and stakeholder concerns about the impact of the supply chain, from the origin of raw materials to animal testing, to consumer packaging disposal, have grown. It is no mystery that managers are facing increasing challenges to protect brands and create new corporate value. That is why more and more companies are choosing to work with EcoVadis, recognised worldwide as an authoritative and trusted provider, to assess their CSR performance and monitor progress along the supply chain.
The value of sustainability
Sustainability is a compulsory step in the growth path of a company: it’s sufficient to look at the numbers to realise this. According to HEC Sustainable Procurament, 91% of the world’s companies take sustainability criteria into account in their purchasing decisions, while Sustainable Brands claims that 85% of consumers are more likely to buy from a company that is recognised as sustainable rather than one they know nothing about. If we add to these figures, which are already quite significant, the fact that in 2018, green and sustainability-related loans amounted to 36.4 billion and ‘green’ bonds to 182 billion, it is clear how ethical and environmental sustainability is an indispensable value for the market and an essential asset for a company’s development.
Transparency and responsibility
If the reliability of a company in the field of sustainability is measured by concrete actions and numbers, Lumson has demonstrated its commitment with facts. For years, the Group has been working to improve its sustainability index and increase its rating: in 2020, with a score of 57/100, it had achieved the Silver Medal and in 2021, only by a whisker, it had missed out on Gold. In 2022, the Group managed to achieve the targets set over the last two years and, with a score of 72/100, reach the coveted Gold Medal, placing itself in the top 3% of companies in the sector. “The results achieved in 2022 are an important step in a long journey of continuous growth and improvement. The Gold Medal is an important recognition of Lumson’s commitment and efforts in integrating ESG criteria into the company’s business and making the supply chain more transparent. The certification reflects our acting responsibly towards our stakeholders and the system in which we operate,” commented President, Matteo Moretti. Confirmation of the President’s statement also comes from the latest projects developed by the company, from the Re Place refill system to the innovative XPaper paper airless system, as well as the numerous energy saving and resource management optimisation initiatives carried out in recent years. The company is characterised by a green approach, from the choice of eco-friendly materials to energy supply through renewable sources to the reduction of waste and the virtuous management of production waste.

Lo stand di Lumson a PCD Milan 2022

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